Electric Vehicles

The electric vehicle industry is poised for major growth globally and especially in the Indian ecosystem. By 2030, 50% of every vehicle sold in India is expected to be electric. As such this will create a significant demand for power electronics. Here, Sagar Semiconductors will be serving two, three, and four wheeler customers both at a vehicle level but also at an infrastructure level such as charging stations.

Why Sagar Semiconductors?

Sagar Semiconductors has a wide range of solutions for electric vehicles (EV) and the EV ecosystemOur solutions range from MOSFETs for EV chargers to SiC MOSFETs for the vehicle. This includes specific products for motor controllers, chargers, and battery management systems.

Comprehensive blend of technology, strategy and services



At Sagar Semiconductors we have the capability to design customized parts for our customers. With an IC design team in Taiwan and an application team in India, we can work with our customers to create custom parts for their growing needs. This can include innovation in new packages, new materials, or a combination. In an ever changing market, we are dedicated to continuously improve and innovate.


Fabrik blends steel technology leadership with outstanding problem-solving capabilities to support customers and suppliers in shaping the future of automotive transportation.

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